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deSIGN OF A CIVIC CENTER in "caldes d'estrac"





projects iI

course: 2011-2012

Prof: ramón casanelles 



Despite an effort for a complete design which includes a more global view of the discipline, the proposal doesn't achieve to accomplish and combine the different subjects involved.

The intervention involves the design of a seminar centre and the arrangement and deveolpment of "Caldes d'Estrac" square. Both projects are related in a urban dimension, establishing a central area of the town.



The graphic representation is not good enough to describe the project's characteristics. Nevertheless, the sketches made by hand are more expressive than those by computer.




There is still no consideration of the necessary facilities for housing, possibly due to the lack of knowledge on this subject.





The project shows a first ambition to adapt to the environment. The site and its view is taken into account in the designed proposal.




There is a first consideration on the building envelope, choosing the most appropriate materials according to the environment where the civic center is located.




There is an effort to design the project integred into the environment and emphasizing on the 3d aspect, not only through the ground plan.




This project start to defend an intention in the election of combining two diferent structure systems such as: walls system and concrete slabs. 



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